Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Nigeria: Petrostate + Oil Complex + Militarism + Historical Political and Economic Exclusion = Counterinsurgency State Terror. Nigeria’s Army Is Accused of Massacring Civilians

Hunting Boko Haram, Nigeria’s Army Is Accused of Massacring Civilians

"The attack fit the pattern of rampages by Boko Haram, the terrorist group that has killed poor people in this region for years. But Babagana and multiple witnesses to the attack in June, as well as another one days before in a neighboring village, say the radicals were not to blame this time.Instead, they say, the massacres were carried out by the Nigerian military.“They told us they were here to help us,” said a resident, Falmata, 20, adding that soldiers in uniform shouted for villagers to point out the Boko Haram members among them. When none were identified, the killings began, she and other witnesses said." The rest of the story...