Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Or, why the US Chamber of Commerce is a declared enemy of the climate, and thus, an enemy of earth and our children's future: "Hell to pay" if Trump targets EPA climate science, says U.S. Chamber official - Energy and Policy Institute

We've had dustups with the American Chamber of Commerce before.  They are a self-declared enemy of climate science, backer of assaults on the EPA, propagator of absurd theories like the solar spots and what not.  You know the dominant system of capitalism is deeply corrupted when its leading capitalist spokespeople are waging war on truth and reason.  

However, they recognize that they are on the wrong side of history. But rather than changing - which of course, capitalists have trouble doing when the reproduction of certain patterns of wealth accumulation relies on the reproduction of certain patterns of energy production – they are seeking new ways of surviving by pretending to acknowledge climate change.  Or, at the least, to stop actively speaking out against climate action.  They do this even as they seek new ways to slow and block action on the climate, in more clandestine forms, the "slow rollback" of regulations as they say. 

Summary: If you are close to, or embrace the United States Chamber of Commerce, you are part of the problem.

Great piece on the latest from Dave Anderson:

"Hell to pay" if Trump targets EPA climate science, says U.S. Chamber official - Energy and Policy Institute  (via Dave Anderson)