Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Oiligarchy and the corruption of politics. In this case it's the coal-dependence lobby. We're coming to this, but file under obstacles to change, like backwards thinking legislatures, like Missouri's: RELEASE Budget Leaders Announce Effort to Fight Implementation of the EPA Clean Power Plan

RELEASE Budget Leaders Announce Effort to Fight Implementation of the EPA Clean Power Plan

"Legislators Plan to Put Language in Budget Bills to Prevent Funding of  Federal Emissions Rule

JEFFERSON CITY – Budget leaders from the Missouri Senate and House announced today a plan to prevent any future funding going towards implementation of the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) Clean Power Plan.

“We made a positive step forward this week thanks to U.S. Supreme Court’s ruling, but we still need to put language in place that will ultimately stop this ill-conceived rule,” said Senate Appropriations Chairman Kurt Schaefer, R-Columbia. “Estimates show this aggressive, job-destroying plan would cost $6 billion just to comply. While the Supreme Court may have slowed the implementation process down, we have an obligation as lawmakers to protect our taxpayers, businesses, and consumers.”

The EPA’s new rule includes guidelines for states to follow including cutting carbon emissions from power plants by 30 percent by 2030. The agency’s strict timelines and milestones in the Clean Power Plan would cost billions to implement. Costs would be passed onto consumers and businesses, take money out of the economy, and stall spending, innovation, investment, and job growth.

“The EPA tried to shift a huge burden of administration and implementation on to the state, the Department of Natural Resources (DNR) specifically,” said House Budget Chairman, Tom Flanigan, R-Carthage. “This is our way of taking control of our state’s resources making sure we have Missourians’ best interests in mind.”

Senate Appropriations Vice Chairman, Ryan Silvey, R-Kansas City, said they plan to put language into the appropriations bills specifying no hard-working, taxpayer dollars will fund the implementation of the plan to limit carbon emissions.

“Missouri taxpayers cannot be forced to bear the burden of this economy-killing plan and blatant overreach of the federal government,” said Silvey. “We will get the federal government out of our state’s business using the appropriations process. We know what will work best for Missouri, our businesses, and our consumers.”

“Because the EPA seems to follow no rules or answer to anyone, we need to take the steps to protect our incomes and economy,” said House Budget Vice Chairman Scott Fitzpatrick, R-Shell Knob. “We will take the reins and guide our state in the right direction.”