Sunday, February 21, 2016

Militarization and exceptionalism. Former Air Force General and CIA chief seeking to create normative discursive cover for what many jurists see as illegal (the US drone program): "To Keep America Safe, Embrace Drone Warfare"

Don't ever say your professor didn't offer you access to the other side of the argument.  On killing civilians and children with drones in the (what I see as spurious) name of 'keeping us safe', here it is:

I don't know if that title was from the author or the NYT, but it is exceptionalist militarism (some might even say fascism, i.e. 'my country right or wrong') at its best.  The least one could expect would be a verb besides "embrace"?  Are you kidding me?
Click on image or here for article.

Below, two insightful comments on the article: