Monday, February 9, 2015

Vicious circle of knowledge corruption: Big Money to climate contrarian Bjorn Lomborg: Think Tank Funder Revealed As Billionaire Republican 'Vulture Capitalist' Paul Singer

More on how money produces fossil knowledge.

$$$: Koch $ + Peabody Energy $ + Paul Singer $ = Danish 'expert' Bjorn Lomborg who makes a living distorting public knowledge about fossil fuels.  

Public knowledge: media outlets like Wall Street Journal give it space.

Lesson: Follow the money.

Exclusive: Bjorn Lomborg Think Tank Funder Revealed As Billionaire Republican 'Vulture Capitalist' Paul Singer and, for more on this case, and on the links between Bill Gates, Peabody Energy and the distortion of public knowledge, click here

More examples of the same:  See the link below for the link to the Forbes article "How Fossil Fuels Cleaned up Our Environment" by Alex Epstein of the Center for Industrial Progress on the morality of fossil fuels.  @peabodyenergy was tweeting this out last Friday. The article makes some questionable logical leaps attributing fossil fuels a positive place in relation to various global challenges.  The Center for Industrial Progress is a house in the suburbs of southern California.