Saturday, September 14, 2013

TAR SANDS: One judge + organized Nez Perce + environmentalists + Nat'l Park Service = good sense

On a back road in Idaho, a significant contest over democracy, oil, and nature unfolds.  The company involved argued that their materiel would actually have environmental benefits in tar sands operations. Even if this were convincing, it would still evade the reasons for restricting transit of these megaloads, in this case on Native and national lands, because of the destruction they wreak on infrastructure. Similar struggles ongoing across Native lands in the Dakotas. –BG

See more on "megaloads" at  Idaho Rivers United and the Nez Perce Tribal Web Site. 

New York Times, September 13, 2013

The move came in response to a lawsuit filed by the Nez Perce tribe and an environmental group, which charged that the Forest Service failed to enforce its own rules to protect the environment through the corridor.