Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Lecture 3 - Links and Videos related to lecture "Oil and American Cultural History"

Current Events

1. Oil price drops means bust cycle hitting towns like Midland, TX
 cyclicality of fossil fuel economies

2. State of the Union Address “climate change” (not “global warming”) & Republican response “[white] working people”; the “Keystone Jobs Bill” Obama will “block good American jobs” no climate mention…Republicans censored version; Boehner: "inadvertent"

Greg Boyce, CEO  stock-price way down but “it will come back” & “technology solutions, not regulatory solutions” – Peabody response to#SOTU "pain at the plug"

4. NASCAR, Dale Earnhardt, Jr., ACCCE & ‘clean coal’ state of the union & Business Owner ad

ACCCE: American Coalition for Clean CoalElectricity (industry front group, includes Ameren, Peabody, & number of other companies, now hidden), ties to ALEC

ACCCE (aka "America's Power" on Twitter: 
Obama is on a “climate crusade” with “calamitous consequences”