And why are some scientists still promoting burning more coal? Why are universities so bone-headed about confronting our dependency on fossil fuels head on? Why are corporate and university boards committed to science and public health so cozy with anti-science, anti-health industries like coal? Is it as simple as money? Or are you mad? Or mad with money? No principles whatsoever? Just trying to figure it out. Or St. Louis really needed to brand its opera house? Opera is important for big cities, so maybe that's it. A good reason. Yes, that's it! It's the arias, and that makes it all worth it....
Scientists Sound Alarm on Climate
Justin Gillis - NYT - March 18, 2014
Global warming has been much harder to understand, not least because of a disinformation campaign financed by elements of the fossil-fuel industry.
But the new report is a recognition among scientists that they bear some responsibility for the confusion — that their well-meaning attempts to convey all the nuances and uncertainties of a complex field have obscured the core message about risks. The report reflects their resolve to try again, by clearing the clutter.